Let this beautiful dream carry on
For all night long.
Va pensiero - Zucchero
Va Pensiero - Pavarotti e Zucchero
Va'pensiero sull'ali dorate
Cross the mountains and fly
Over the oceans.
Reach the land find the place
Where all children go
Everynight after listening to this lullaby.
There you'll find their heroes alive
Protecting their innocence
Bless them all 'cos their simple soul
is so pure and wonderful.
Va' pensiero sull'ali dorate
Let this beautiful dream carry on
For all night long.
Lend them your golden wings
Every fear will fly away
Take them by the hand
Help'em find an easy way
Lead them back to the light, back to the light
Where they once used to belong
Where they can remain
Children as long as they want.
Va' pensiero sull'ali dorate
Cross the mountains and fly
Over the oceans.
Reach the land find the place
Where all children go
Everynight after listening to this lullaby
Everynight after listening to this lullaby.
Prezzi e dimensioni ritratti animali in cornici vintage
Da oltre ventisette anni, ritrarre i nostri amati cani e gatti non è solo
il mio lavoro, ma la mia missione. Ogni giorno, senza eccezione, trasformo
amore ...
5 giorni fa
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