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sabato 21 maggio 2011


David Bowie

I forgot what my father said
I forgot what he said
I forgot what my mother said
as we layed upon your bed

A city full of flowers
a city full of rain
I got seven days to live my life
or seven ways to die

I forgot what my brother said
I forgot what he said
I don't regret anything at all
I remember how he wept

On a bridge of violent people
I was small enough to cry
I got seven days to live my life
or seven ways to die

Hold my face before you
still my trembling heart
Seven days to live my life
or seven ways to die

The Gods forgot they've made me
so I forgot them to
I listen to the shadows
I play among their graves

My heart is never broken
my patience never tried
I got seven days to live my life
or seven ways to die
Seven days to live my life
or seven ways to die

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