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martedì 3 agosto 2010

No matter who you are...

...Sun slips into horizon
Moon reaches for the stars
Music is the healer
No matter who you are
No matter who you are...

Walk in the Sky -
Bonobo -

They walk in the sky
So near and so high
They're stopping for none
And when the day's done
They agree that the sea
Is the best place to be
Wondrously free
They live happily

They know from the past
Life simply doesn't last
So they live for today
For tomorrow they may
Not be able to walk in the skies

Sun slips into horizon
Moon reaches for the stars
Music is the healer
No matter who you are
No matter who you are...

They walk in the sky
So near and so high
They're stopping for none
And when the day's done
They agree that the sea
Is the best place to be
Wondrously free
They live happily

They know from the past
Life simply doesn't last
So they live for today
For tomorrow they may
Not be able to walk in the skies

Sun slips into horizon
Moon reaches for the stars
Music is the healer
No matter who you are
No matter who you are...

Sun slips into horizon
Moon reaches for the stars
Music is the healer
No matter who you are
No matter who you are...

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