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domenica 22 maggio 2011

Occhio.....I found stars on...

the tip of your tongue.
You speak Poltergeist, so do I. So do I.......

You'll Be Bright
Cloud Cult

All the things you'll love,
All the things that may hurt you,
All the things you shouldn't do,
And all the things you want to...
They're calling your safely.

Every first kiss, every crisis, every heartbreak and every act of kindness...
They're calling your safely.

Every empire, every monument, every masterpiece and every invention,
They're calling your safely.

I found stars on the tip of your tongue.
You speak Poltergeist, so do I. So do I.

What comes will come.
What goes will go.
The wind will blow where the wind is blowing.
Let go of where you think you're going.
We'll never know why it flows where it's flowing.

We've always been what we will always be.
I'm so convinced we have to get there, we can part the sea.
So bring the dead to life, turn your blood to wine.
All your life you have waited for this moment to arrive.

And you'll be bright.

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