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lunedì 21 febbraio 2011

It's not right...

in one life too much rain

It's too much for anyone
Too hard for anyone
Who wants a happy and peaceful life
You've gotta learn to laugh.........

Paul McCartney

Laugh when your eyes are burning
Smile when your heart is filled with pain
Sigh as you brush away your sorrow
Make a vow that it's not gonna happen again

It's not right in one life too much rain

You know the wheels keep turning
Why do the tears run down your face?
We used to hide away our feelings
But for now tell yourself it won't happen again

It's not right in one life too much rain

It's too much for anyone
Too hard for anyone
Who wants a happy and peaceful life
You've gotta learn to laugh

Smile when you're spinning round and round
Sigh as you think about tomorrow
Make a vow that your gonna be happy again

It's all right in your life no more rain

It's too much for anyone
Too hard for anyone
Who wants a happy and peaceful life
You've gotta learn to laugh

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