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sabato 5 febbraio 2011

La sofferenza in amore....

è un vuoto a perdere.....

Minà - Troisi - Pino Daniele

Il destino nel nome

The namesake


the odds

Each time we return
To this crazy place
We break the promise made, face to face

Easy to make
Easy to break
Something's here we don't understand

I don't know
Why we go on so
I don't want to fight no more tonight

Every time's the same
Both of us to blame
I don't want to talk no more tonight

We've come through before
Now we ask for more
Seems to me we can't escape at all

Words have no meaning
But Oh, such a feeling
Can there be a way out of here

I don't know
Why we go on so
I don't want to fight no more tonight

Every time's the same
Both of us to blame
I don't want to talk no more tonight

Quando Ruby...

era il titolo di una canzone dei Rolling Stones...

Traduzione inglese - italiano

Ruby = rubino, rosso cupo, tingere di rosso, vermiglio, bitorzolo rosso sul naso....

...She would never say where she came from
Yesterday don't matter if it's gone
While the sun is bright
Or in the darkest night
No one knows
She comes and goes....

Ruby Tuesday 
Rolling Stones

She would never say where she came from
Yesterday don't matter if it's gone
While the sun is bright
Or in the darkest night
No one knows
She comes and goes

Goodbye, Ruby Tuesday
Who could hang a name on you?
When you change with every new day
Still I'm gonna miss you...

Don't question why she needs to be so free
She'll tell you it's the only way to be
She just can't be chained
To a life where nothing's gained
And nothing's lost
At such a cost

There's no time to lose, I heard her say
Catch your dreams before they slip away
Dying all the time
Lose your dreams
And you will lose your mind.
Ain't life unkind?

Goodbye, Ruby Tuesday
Who could hang a name on you?
When you change with every new day
Still I'm gonna miss you...


 con diverbio!

"quando la lite dura cosi a lungo, vuol dire che il torto non è mai da una parte sola......."

It would be so nice

Pink Floyd

It would be so nice to meet sometime

Ev'rybody wakes and in the morning - hot tea
Can't stop yawning
Pass the butter please
Have you ever read the Daily Standard
Reading all about the plane that landed upside down

But no one knows what I did today
There can be no other way
But I would just like to say:
It would be so nice

Everybody cares about the weather
Everybody should know better
What a waste of time
Everybody lives beneath the ceiling
Living out a dream that sends them reeling
To a distant place

But no one knows what I did today
There can be no other way
But I would just like to say:
It would be so nice to meet sometime

Acculturiamoci in compagnia.....

"Rimpasto" termine gergale.

Il "Rimpasto" evita lo scioglimento dell'"intero gabinetto" inteso come Consiglio dei Ministri.

"Gabinetto"parola che non si può assolutamente sostituire con "W.C." per ovvi motivi.

"W.C. o gabinetto" luogo privato o pubblico, idoneo all'espletamento dei bisogni fisiologici.

Il dentone - I complessi
Alberto Sordi

venerdì 4 febbraio 2011

Breve notizia

Legittima difesa


vecchietti sfigati
Marco Travaglio

Pane e...
Fallito attentato mediatico.......

giovedì 3 febbraio 2011



Hush-a-bye my baby soft and new
ooh her loveliness, gypsy dance in the rain
hush-a-bye my baby what you do
ooh, the baby cries, the wind she's a-callin' your name

where you came from you ain't alone
live and loved from the old jaw bone
ahh don't you cry, you're home sweet home

rock-a-bye sweet lady gypsy blue
ooh, the nightingale's singin her song in the rain
hush-a-bye sweet lady soft and new
ooh don't you cry, the wind she's a-screamin' your name

come too soon that sunny day
you give your heart away
no divorcee, no repouise

La fatica

Pierangelo Bertoli

Amore mio, che cosa vuoi che dica
Sarà che mi è scoppiata la fatica
O forse ho scaricato tutto il sacco di esperienza
E sono fermo ai blocchi di partenza
A volte sono stanco di pensare
Mi sento come un pesce senza il mare
Ho scritto tante cose, tanti fatti e le ragioni, 
cercando di fermare le emozioni
Mi piace aprir la botte e raccontare 
di come a volte il cielo tocca il mare
Di come l'infinito sia nel viso della gente, 
che ha costruito tutto e non ha mai avuto niente
Amore mio, vorrei cominciare 
con tante cose ancora da inventare
E non sentirmi vuoto come un fiasco già scolato
Con l'impressione d'essere arrivato
Mi piace scombinare l'acquisto 
e rivoltar la giacca ad un partito
E fare i conti in tasca alle morali e tradizioni
Col gusto di scoprire le finzioni
E allora con la falce taglio il filo della luna
La musica mi sembra più vicina
E prendo a pugni e schiaffi la tristezza e la sfortuna
E cerco di tornare come prima
Amore mio, mi mancan le parole 
per costruire torri in faccia al sole
Sarà perché son stato troppo tempo a vegetare
Che l'ho chiamato spesso riposare
Ma non ho ancora perso la mia rabbia
Non mi hanno ancora nella gabbia
E pesco ancora in fondo alle mie tante ribellioni 
per scaricarle dentro alle canzoni
Mi piace respirare la chiarezza
Sentire dentro un po' di tenerezza
Rompendo i bugigattoli dei dogmi culturali 
stampate sulle tavole di pietra o sui giornali
E ancora con la falce taglio il filo della luna
La musica mi sembra più vicina
E prendo a pugni e schiaffi la tristezza e la sfortuna
E cerco di tornare come prima
Amore mio, se a volte mi nascondo
Se chiudo le mie entrate a questo mondo
È solo per cercare di capire come sono
Mi sento naufragare e mi abbandono
Mi piace poi tornare come nuovo
Sentire che mi scrollo e che mi muovo
Allora c'è nell'aria come un altro ritornello
Così che ripulisco il mio cervello
E allora con la falce taglio il filo della luna
La musica mi sembra più vicina
E prendo a pugni e schiaffi la tristezza e la sfortuna
E cerco di tornare come prima.

C'è nell'aria un'energia....

che non si sblocca
come se fosse un grido in cerca di una bocca
come se fosse un grido in cerca di una bocca
come se fosse un grido in cerca di una bocca.....

Il Grido
Un'Idiozia Conquistata a Fatica
Giorgio Gaber

E voi così innocenti colpevoli d'esser nati
in giro per le strade, gli sguardi vuoti i gesti un po' sguaiati
si vede da lontano che siete privi di ideali
con quello spreco di energia dei giovani normali.

E voi che pretendete che tutto vi sia dovuto
con la scusa infantile che "nessuno mi ha mai capito"
siete così velleitari come artisti improvvisati
con quella finta libertà dei giovani viziati.

È un gran vuoto che vi avvilisce e che vi blocca
come se fosse un grido in cerca di una bocca
come se fosse un grido in cerca di una bocca.

E voi che rincorrete, decisi e intraprendenti
l'idea di una carriera tipo imprenditori sempre più rampanti
disponibili a tutto, all'occorrenza anche disonesti
con tutta la meschinità dei giovani arrivisti.

E voi così randagi sempre sull'orlo del suicidio
covate ben racchiusa dentro al vostro petto un'implosione d'odio
l'eroico vittimismo da barboni finti e un po' frustrati
e col cervello in avaria dei giovani scoppiati.

È una rabbia che vi stravolge e che vi blocca
come se fosse un grido in cerca di una bocca
come se fosse un grido in cerca di una bocca.

E voi che brancolate in un delirio tra il male e il bene
col rischio di affondare nella totale degradazione
aggrappatevi al sogno di una razza che potrebbe opporsi
per costruire una realtà di giovani diversi.

C'è nell'aria un'energia che non si sblocca
come se fosse un grido in cerca di una bocca
come se fosse un grido in cerca di una bocca
come se fosse un grido in cerca di una bocca.

Sante parole!!

Che fatica

Che fatica piacere
che fatica cercarsi
che fatica mentire
che fatica impegnarsi.
Che fatica sbagliare
che fatica capirsi
è una lunga estenuante fatica
una lagna infinita.
Che fatica ubriacarsi
che fatica coi sensi
che fatica ignorarsi
che fatica, ci pensi.
Che fatica tradirsi
che fatica subire
è una lunga estenuante fatica
un pò come morire.
Ci sarà un'altra uscita
una porta segreta
ci sarà un altro tipo di vita
in un altro universo
sconosciuto e remoto
la mia copia, il mio doppio
un aiuto concreto
chi lavori per me
chi mi copra le spalle
chi mi spiani la strada
per arrivare alle stelle
per arrivare alle stelle
per arrivare alle stelle.
Che fatica un amico
che fatica una donna
che fatica obbedire
che fatica la mamma
che fatica il bisogno
che fatica umiliarsi
è una lunga estenuante fatica
ma non voglio annoiarti.
Che fatica in palestra
che fatica il sapere
che fatica le diete
che fatica apparire
che fatica le cure
che fatica col sesso
è una lunga estenuante fatica
un problema complesso.
Ci sarà un altro modo
non così impegnativo
per sentirmi più libero e vivo
che così tartassato
perdo peso e sostanza
sempre in gara col tempo
una corsa infinita.
E non sempre mi va
e arrivare alla meta
preferisco dormire
e alla mia insofferenza
totalmente impedita la scienza.
E in più tu non mi aiuti
in più tu mi rifiuti
io qui a spaccarmi il cuore
sperando che sia amore
per ora mi riposo
tu ci rifletti su
diamo a questa fatica un senso
o non mi vedrai mai più

martedì 1 febbraio 2011


 and the Damage Done
Neil Young

I caught you knockin'
at my cellar door
I love you, baby,
can I have some more
Ooh, ooh, the damage done.

I hit the city and
I lost my band
I watched the needle
take another man
Gone, gone, the damage done.

I sing the song
because I love the man
I know that some
of you don't understand
to keep from running out.

I've seen the needle
and the damage done
A little part of it in everyone
But every junkie's
like a settin' sun.

Rockin' in.....

the free world
Neil Young and Pearl Jam

There's colors on the street
Red, white and blue
People shufflin' their feet
People sleepin' in their shoes
But there's a warnin' sign on the road ahead
There's a lot of people sayin' we'd be better off dead
Don't feel like Satan, but I am to them
So I try to forget it, any way I can.

Keep on rockin' in the free world,
Keep on rockin' in the free world
Keep on rockin' in the free world,
Keep on rockin' in the free world.

I see a woman in the night
With a baby in her hand
Under an old street light
Near a garbage can
Now she puts the kid away, and she's gone to get a hit
She hates her life, and what she's done to it
There's one more kid that will never go to school
Never get to fall in love, never get to be cool.

Keep on rockin' in the free world,
Keep on rockin' in the free world
Keep on rockin' in the free world,
Keep on rockin' in the free world.

We got a thousand points of light
For the homeless man
We got a kinder, gentler,
Machine gun hand
We got department stores and toilet paper
Got styrofoam boxes for the ozone layer
Got a man of the people, says keep hope alive
Got fuel to burn, got roads to drive.

Keep on rockin' in the free world,
Keep on rockin' in the free world
Keep on rockin' in the free world,
Keep on rockin' in the free world.


Sweetheart Goodnight
The Spaniels

Goodnight, sweetheart, well, it's time to go.
Goodnight, sweetheart, well, it's time to go.
I hate to leave you, but I really must say,
Oh, goodnight, sweetheart, goodnight.

Goodnight, sweetheart, well, it's time to go.
Goodnight, sweetheart, well, it's time to go.
I hate to leave you, but I really must say,
Oh, goodnight, sweetheart, goodnight.

Well, it's three o'clock in the mornin'.
Baby, I just can't get right.
Well, I hate to leave you, baby,
Don't mean maybe, because I love you so.

(Du-du-du-du, du-du-du, du-du-du-duh.)
Goodnight, sweetheart, well, it's time to go.
Goodnight, sweetheart, well, it's time to go.
I hate to leave you, I really must say,
Oh, goodnight, sweetheart, goodnight.

Mother, oh, and, your father,
Won't like it if I stay here too long.
One kiss and talk and I'll be going.
[ Find more Lyrics on ]
You know I hate to go.

(Du-du-du-du, du-du-du, du-du-du-duh.)
Goodnight, sweetheart, well, it's time to go.
Goodnight, sweetheart, well, it's time to go.
I hate to leave you, I really must say,
Oh, goodnight, sweetheart, goodnight.

lunedì 31 gennaio 2011


Bruce Springsteen

Stanca di essere.....


Non parlarmi
come fossi una canzone
in un cerchio vuoto
fatto solo di parole
che sembra
si sia spento il sole
che sembrano
non far rumore
non far rumore
non far rumore
non far rumore

non provarmi
come fossi un'emozione
inchiodata a un foglio
da milioni di parole
che sembra
ancora spento il sole
che sembrano
non far rumore
non far rumore
non far rumore
non far rumore

un istante
tra la gente
chiedimi ancora di essere
una qualunque impossibile
un istante
tra la gente
chiedimi ancora di essere
una qualunque impossibile

non recitarmi
come fosse da copione
fredda e triste
in ogni circo
è la mia ripetizione
e sembrano
parole nuove
e intanto
è solo un'illusione

un istante
tra la gente
chiedimi ancora di essere
una qualunque impossibile
un istante
tra la gente
chiedimi ancora di essere
una qualunque impassibile


Fall Down
The Rolling Stones

It was a filthy block of flats
Trash was on the floor
A stink was in my nose
Hinges off the doors

She took me in her room
All was spic and span
Fixed me up a drink
Turned down all the lamps

And the rain fell down
On the cold hard ground
And the phone kept ringing
And we made sweet love

Follow it up in this strange grey town
They build it up and let it all fall down
Feel like we're living in a battleground
Everybody's jazzed

Follow it up in this strange grey town
The paint is peeling and the sky turned brown
The bankers are wankers, every Thursday night
They just vomit on that ground

And the rain fell down
The cold grey town
And the phone kept ringing
And we made sweet love

Everybody's dreaming
Everybody's scheming
Until the rain fall down

She cooked me up some eggs
Then she made some tea
Kissed me on the cheek
And I turned on her TV

It was all the usual crap
All the usual sleaze
For two thousand quid
Some bimbo spilled the beans, yeah

And the rain fell down
On the cold grey town
And the phone kept ringing
And we made sweet love

And the rain fell down
And we made, and we made, and we made sweet love
And the phone kept, the phone kept ringing... Yeah!

And the phone kept ringing
The phone kept ringing, yeah
And the rain... rain... rain... rain.... rain... rain... rain..

Why Should I.....

Cry For You?

Under the dog-star sail
Over the reefs of moonshine
Under the skies of fall
North-north-west, the stones of Faroe

Under the Arctic fire
Over the seas of silence
Hauling on frozen ropes
For all my days remaining
Would north be true?

All colours bleed to red
Asleep on the ocean's bed
Drifting in empty seas
For all my days remaining
Would north be true?
Why should I, why should I cry for you?
Dark angels follow me
Over a godless sea
Mountains of endless falling
For all my days remaining

What would be true?
Sometimes I see your face,
The stars seem to lose their place
Why must I think of you?
Why must I? Why should I?
Why should I cry for you?
Why would you want me to?
And what would it mean to say,
'I loved you in my fashion?'
What would be true?
Why should I, why should I cry for you?
Why should I cry?


we may not be here tomorrow, no.
And if anybody should come along,
He gonna give you any love and affection,
I’d say get it while you can........

Get it while you can
Janis Joplin

In this world, if you read the papers, Lord,
You know everybody’s fighting on with each other.
You got no one you can count on, baby,
Not even your own brother.
So if someone comes along,
He’s gonna give you some love and affection
I’d say get it while you can, yeah!
Honey, get it while you can,
Hey, hey, get it while you can,
Don’t you turn your back on love, no, no!

Don’t you know when you’re loving anybody, baby,
You’re taking a gamble on a little sorrow,
But then who cares, baby,
‘Cause we may not be here tomorrow, no.
And if anybody should come along,
He gonna give you any love and affection,
I’d say get it while you can, yeah!
Hey, hey, get it while you can,
Hey, hey, get it while you can.
Don’t you turn your back on love,
No no no, no no no no no.

Oh, get it while you can,
Honey get it when you’re gonna wanna need it dear, yeah yeah,
Hey hey, get it while you can,
Don’t you turn your back on love,
No no no, no no no no, get it while you can,
I said hold on to somebody when you get a little lonely, dear,
Hey hey, hold on to that man’s heart,
Yeah, get it, want it, hold it, need it,
Get it, want it, need it, hold it,
Get it while you can, yeah,
Honey get it while you can, baby, yeah,
Hey hey, get it while you can!

Dissertazione molto sofferta....

To Love Somebody
Janis Joplin

There’s a light, certain kinda light,
Never ever, never shone on me, no, no.
Honey, I want, I want my whole life
To be lived with you, babe,
That’s what I want oh, was to be
Living and loving you.

There’s a way, oh everybody say
You can do anything, every thing yeah.
But what good, what good,
Honey, what good could it ever bring
‘Cause I ain’t got you with my love
And I can’t find you babe, no I can’t.

You don’t know, you don’t know what it’s like,
No you don’t, honey no you don’t know,
You don’t know what it’s like
To love anybody.
Oh honey, I wanna talk about love
And trying to hold somebody
The way I love you babe,
And I’ve been loving you babe.

In my brain, oh I can see your face again,
I know my frame of mind, yeah.
But nobody, nobody has to ever be so blind,
Honey, like I did, I know I was blind,
Honey, I tell you that I was, I was very, very blind.
Oh but I’m just a girl,
Can’t you just take a look at me and tell,
Tell that I live, honey I live and I breathe for you,
Don’t you know I do!

But what good, what good,
Honey, what good could ever do
‘Cause I ain’t got you, that’s all I’ve ever wanted,
And I ain’t got you, babe, oh but I’ve been looking ’round.
But you don’t know, you don’t know what it’s like,
No you don’t, no, no, no, you don’t know,
Honey, you don’t know what it’s like
Oh to love anybody.
Oh honey I wanna talk about
Trying to hold somebody when you’re lonely
The way I loved you, baby,
And I just want you to know I tried.

Oh I know that there’s a way
‘Cause everybody came to me one time and said,
“Honey, you can do anything,
Every little thing, and I think I can.
Oh, but what good, what good,
Honey, what awfully good can it ever, ever bring,
‘Cause I can’t find you with my love,
And I can’t find you babe, oh anywhere.

Oh, but you don’t know,
You don’t know what it’s like,
No you don’t and you never ever, ever did.
You don’t know, honey,
You don’t know what it’s like
Oh to love anybody.
Oh honey I wanna talk about trying to hold you.

Oh baby, baby, baby, yeah,
But you don’t know,
You don’t know what it’s like,
And you never ever, ever did,
I said I tried to throw my love around you
And I tried to help you darling.
But you never ever, no you never ever,
No you never ever, no you never ever,
I know that you know that
No you never ever, ever, ever,
Oh let me throw my love,
Throw my love all around you, yeah.

domenica 30 gennaio 2011


Ennio Morricone

E ora e sempre.........

nei Secoli dei Secoli.....
Pace e Amen!

Wherever you will go
Alex Band- The Calling

So lately, been wondering
Who will be there to take my place
When I'm gone you'll need love
To light the shadows on your face
If a great wave shall fall and fall upon us all
Then between the sand and stone
Could you make it on your own
If I could, then I would
I'll go wherever you will go
Way up high or down low
I'll go wherever you will go
And maybe, I'll find out
A way to make it back someday
To watch you, to guide you
Through the darkest of your days
If a great wave shall fall and fall upon us all
Then I hope there's someone out there
Who can bring me back to you
If I could, then I would
I'll go wherever you will go
Way up high or down low
I'll go wherever you will go
Run away with my heart
Run away with my hope
Run away with my love
I know now, just quite how
My life and love might still go on
In your heart, in your mind
I'll stay with you for all of time
If I could, then I would
I'll go wherever you will go
Way up high or down low
I'll go wherever you will go
If I could turn back time
I'll go wherever you will go
If I could make you mine
I'll go wherever you will go

Gelosia gelosia......

 Jealous Guy
John Lennon

i was dreaming of a past
and my heart was beating fast
i began to lose control
i began to lose control
i didn't mean to hurt
i'm sorry that i made you cry
i didn't mean to hurt you
i'm just a jealous guy
i was feeling inscure
you might not love me anymore
i was shivering inside
i was shivering inside
i was trying to catch your eyes
thought that you was trying to
i was swallowing my pain
i was swallowing my pain


Guns and Roses

When I look into your eyes
I can see a love restrained
But darlin' when I hold you
Don't you know I feel the same

'Cause nothin' lasts forever
And we both know hearts can change
And it's hard to hold a candle
In the cold November rain

We've been through this such a long long time
Just tryin' to kill the pain

But lovers always come and lovers always go
An no one's really sure who's lettin' go today
Walking away

If we could take the time to lay it on the line
I could rest my head just knowin' that you were mine
All mine
So if you want to love me then darlin' don't refrain
Or I'll just end up walkin' in the cold November rain

Do you need some time... on your own
Do you need some time... all alone
Everybody needs some time... on their own
Don't you know you need some time... all alone

I know it's hard to keep an open heart
When even friends seem out to harm you
But if you could heal a broken heart
Wouldn't time be out to charm you

Sometimes I need some time... on my own
Sometimes I need some time... all alone
Everybody needs some time... on their own
Don't you know you need some time... all alone

And when your fears subside and shadows still remain, oh yeah
I know that you can love me when there's no one left to blame
So never mind the darkness we still can find a way
'Cause nothin' lasts forever even cold November rain

You're not the only one
You're not the only one
Don't ya think that you need somebody
Don't ya think that you need someone
Everybody needs somebody
You're not the only one
You're not the only one

Don't ya think that you need somebody
Don't ya think that you need someone
Everybody needs somebody
You're not the only one
You're not the only one

Don't ya think that you need somebody
Don't ya think that you need someone
Everybody needs somebody
You're not the only one
You're not the only one

Don't ya think that you need somebody
Don't ya think that you need someone
Everybody needs somebody


To Lose
Bret Michaels

She looks in the mirror with the makeup that don't hide the pain 
Yeah she swore that the last time was the last time that she'd fall again 
So close yours eyes, just fall tonight
She says let this be alright, alright, alright, alright

Won't you fall down on me
So close I can feel you breathe
Tonight in the darkness with nothing to lose
If the truth is all we can see
If I fall for you, could you fall for me

I've been torn up, put down, wearing my heart on my sleve 
Yeah, those scars that you wear, well I've got them too, can't you see 
Yeah we both know better than this, still we can't resist 
Slowly get undressed

Yeah, she does when she falls down on me
So close I can feel you breathe
Tonight in the darkness there's nothing to lose
If the truth is all we can see
If I fall for you, could you fall for me

Won't you fall down on me
So close I can feel you breathe
Tonight in the darkness with nothing to lose,
If the truth is all we can see
If I fall for you, could you fall for me

She falls down on me
So close I can feel you breathe
Tonight in the darkness with nothing to lose
If the truth is all we can see
If I fall for you, could you fall for me

Oh, could you fall for me

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