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sabato 4 dicembre 2010

Se non ti avessi



Antonio Prestieri

venerdì 3 dicembre 2010

Attenzione ....

molta attenzione....

Canzone di Natale
The Zen Circus

Eccoli qua, sono già arrivati i parenti affamati,
Mi strappano le guance a suon di ganascini,
Intanto si divorano le mie tartine.
"Sei un uomo ormai, ma come sei sciupato,
Non sei neanche pettinato."
Penso, sfido io, da quando mi son fatto
Ho venduto pure il mio motorino nuovo
Sono a secco, 'sto natale.
Dio, fa che non stia così male.

Fa che nonna mi abbia regalato i contanti,
E non il solito paio di guanti
Mamma dice: "non aspetti neanche il panettone,
Dimmi dove te ne vai, coglione!"

Io non lo so se arrivo in fondo o no a questo pranzo,
Fra il secondo primo e il primo secondo.
Mi alzo e chiamo il tipo, che sennò sprofondo.
Si chiama Abdul il mio babbo natale,
Con le Nike di renna nuove.
Dietro alla stazione al solito pilone,
Tunisini aspetta fra un paio d'ore.
Un po' di sconto me lo farà,
Lui che è il boss del natale s.p.a.

Fa che nonna mi abbia regalato i contanti,
E non il solito paio di guanti
Mamma dice: "non aspetti neanche il panettone,
Dimmi dove te ne vai, coglione!"

Fa che nonna mi abbia regalato i contanti,
E non il solito paio di guanti
Mamma dice: "non aspetti neanche il panettone,
Dimmi dove te ne vai, coglione!"

mercoledì 1 dicembre 2010

How can I feel....

abandoned even when the world surrounds me....

Dream Theater

In the calm of desolation
Wanting to break
From this circle of confusion

In the depths of isolation
Trying to wake
From this daydream of illusion

How can I feel abandoned even when the world surrounds me
How can I bite the hand that feeds the strangers all around me
How can I know so many
Never really knowing anyone

If I seem superhuman
I have been

It challenges the essence of my soul
And leaves me in a state of disconnection
As I navigate the maze of self control

Playing a lion being led to a cage
I turn from a thief to a beggar
From a god to God save me

How can I feel abandoned even when the world surrounds me
How can I bite the hand that feeds the strangers all around me
How can I know so many
Never really knowing anyone

If I seem superhuman
I have been

Playing a lion being led to a cage
I turn from surreal to seclusion
From love to disdain
From belief to delusion
From a thief to a beggar
From a god to God save me

How can I feel abandoned even when the world surrounds me
How can I bite the hand that feeds the strangers all around me
How can I know so many
Never really knowing anyone

If I seem superhuman
I have been


Negramaro - Rustici

E notte sia sulla città
chiudi il tuo bar
e corri a rimirar le stelle
contando i passi.

Un, due e tre,
lontan da qui,
sogno strade ancora bianche
da colorar come se
non ci fosse stato
piede di altro uomo mai.

In volo mi alzerei
con ali di cera.

E metti via
la tua lealtà,
conforme a chi non sa,
ti scagli già
contro le stelle
gettando sassi.

Un, due e tre,
le colpirò
vorrei poterle non veder più
ancor brillar come se
non ci fosse altrove
niente di più bello ormai.

In volo mi alzerei
con ali di cera
e da lassù ti guarderei
ma non ritornerei.

Vi maledico stelle
mentre cadete giù,
portate via i miei sogni
e non ritornate più.

You know it's hard....

to be yourself,
free yourself, to see yourself
When all around you there are lies just to get you,
Spies just to get you, to buy so they can get you....

Brett Dennen's 'Crazy' Jam

You know it's hard to be yourself,
free yourself, to see yourself
When all around you there are lies just to get you,
Spies just to get you, to buy so they can get you

There are cameras in the sky, lasers in our living rooms
There are wolves watching wearing sheep's costumes

It's enough to make you go crazy (Woah)
It's enough to make you mad
It's enough to make you go crazy (Woah)
And I'm amazed I haven't yet

Isn't it a shame the way we cheat each other, treat each other,
beat each other?
It's a shame the way we use one other, abuse one another,
and screw one another, it's true.

They will lock you up in prison but they won't call it slavery
There are stolen children raised and trained in armies

It's enough to make you go crazy (Woah)
It's enough to make you mad
It's enough to make you go crazy (Woah)
And I'm amazed I haven't yet

Don't hesitate to speak your mind (Speak your mind)
Never hesitate to speak your heart (Speak your heart)
They'll call you crazy when you speak your mind (When you speak your mind)
So never, never hesitate (Never hesitate)

‘Cause it's enough to make you go crazy (Woah)
It's enough to make you mad
It's enough to make you go crazy (Woah)
And I'm amazed I haven't yet

Na sol them go lock you for prison
Na sol them go beat you for prison
Them no call it slavery
it's him that make me vex

Na sol them go lock you for prison
Na sol them go beat you for prison
it's him that make me vex
ot's him that make me craze

It's enough to make you go crazy (Woah)
It's enough to make you mad
It's enough to make you go crazy (Woah)
And I'd be crazy not to care

domenica 28 novembre 2010


good bye

Recordationes? Serpentes quae corda fascinant.

 Francesco Guccini


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