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lunedì 8 agosto 2011


Fall at Your Feet
Jesse Cook

I'm really close tonight
And I'm feeling like I'm moving inside her
Lying in the dark I think that
I'm beginning to know her
Let it go, I'll be there when you call

And whenever I fall at your feet

You let your tears rain down on me
Whenever I touch your slow turning pain

You're hiding from me now

There's something in the way that you're talking
And the words don't sound right
And I hear them all moving inside you, go
I'll be waiting when you call

Whenever I fall at your feet

You let your tears rain down on me
Whenever I touch your slow turning pain

The finger of blame that's turned upon itself

And I'm more than willing to offer myself
Do you want my presence or need my help
Who knows where that might lead
I fall

Whenever I fall at your feet

And you let your tears rain down on me

Whenever I fall

Whenever I fall

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