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domenica 7 agosto 2011

Chi non mi conosce...

mi dedica canzoni...
chi mi conosce non mi dedica per niente....

Irene da "Riflessioni estemporanee"

Goodnight Irene
Tom Waits

Irene, goodnight Irene, goodnight
Goodnight, Irene Goodnight, Irene
I'll see you in my dreams

Last Saturday night I got married
Me and my wife settled down
Now, me and my wife are parted
Gonna take a little stroll downtown

Yeah, sometimes I live in the country
And sometimes I live in town
Yeah, and sometimes I take a great notion
I'm gonna jump in the river and drown

Stop ramblin' Stop that gamblin'
Stop staying out late at night
Go home to your wife and family
Stay there by the fireside, bright

Goodnight, Irene Goodnight, Irene
I'll see you in my dreams

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